Fire dream interpretation.

Meaning of fire in dream:

Fire can awaken people’s strong feelings, such as envy, lust, and passion.

It can destroy everything, as it brings new life to the new breeding purifier.

Therefore, there are many interpretations of dreams about fire. From a positive point of view, symbolizes passion, desire and wealth. From a negative perspective, however, it means frustration, anger, anxiety or destruction.

If you often dream of fire, or dream of dealing with fire, working near fire, or being exposed to fire and thirst, this means that you will suffer from diseases such as high blood pressure and it is best to be in hospital in time.

Islamic interpretation of fire in dream:

When one sees fire in the dream represents love, graces, human beings, losses and sins.

• When a person sees that he is burning or that a dead person is burning with fire, it symbolizes the domes.

• When a person sees in the dream that the fire is falling with the flame and smoke falling from the sky, it symbolizes that something bad will happen in that place where the fire falls.

• When a person sees in a dream that the fire is falling from the crowd and the dreamer burns, but this combustion does not affect it, which symbolizes the soldiers entering his home.

• When a person sees in the dream that coal in his dream without fire symbolizes that some diseases such as smallpox will attack.

• When one sees in the dream that he is shot by a regent who symbolizes that he will pay the money.

• When one sees in a dream that it ignites fire in the way of people it symbolizes that it will get power, affect people and will give benefit to.

• When a person sees in the dream that the fire comes out of his finger symbolizes that he is an unfair writer.

• When a person sees in the dream that he is eating a fire, it symbolizes that he will get money from dubious sources as if he was eating orphan money.

• When a person sees in the dream that the fire comes out of his palm it symbolizes that it is not a good product or literally.

• When a person sees in the dream that an uncontrollable fire at his home or town symbolizes that war and destruction will occur in that place.

• When a person sees in the dream that he is worshiping the fire symbolizes that he will commit sin.

• When someone sees in the dream that the fire is expelled from his home, it symbolizes that he will get a high job or will be successful.

• When a person sees a dream of a dream coming out of his house symbolizing that he will go for Hajj.

• When a person sees in the dream fire without heat symbolizes that he will have strong friends and supporters.

Christianity interpretation of fire in dream:

The dream of preparing things on fire represents your desire for total destruction or total failure in your vigilant life. You may deliberately try to start a problem. It may also reflect your passion for starting something.

A dream of a burned-out city may reflect relationships that are destroyed by strong emotions or circumstances beyond your control. Social interaction of some kind feels ruined forever.

The dream of evil fire, which seems to be alive, may reflect feelings about the magnificence of situations that seem to destroy you intentionally. Fire dreams can sometimes reflect our concern about fire safety. Young children may have nightmares to save people from burning buildings if they are worried about fire safety training. Fire dreams are also common in people who have suffered fire trauma or young children who have experienced or experienced serious fires.

Psychological interpretation of fire in dream:

Fire destroys but also cleanses and purifies. It can light up but also cause pain. His energy is a powerful symbol of eternal life or eternal damnation. Fire is a strong and contradictory dream symbol.

In dreams, it can refer to a new beginning, spiritual lighting, sexual emotion or subversive emotions such as flames of passion or envy.

To dream of a warm fire in the fireplace displays you are comfortable with your circumstances and the comfort of your life. Freud said that fire is a symbol of sexual desire (feelings) and dreams of poking fire represented in arousing sexual passion.

Different interpretation of fire in dream:

Dreaming to be in fire:

If you dream of starting a fire, this dream may suggest that you re-evaluate your outlook on life. You may realize that life is full of dangers and that you are very careful. This dream encourages you to change this way of thinking and move forward bravely to achieve your goals.

Dreams of not feeling the pain of the fire:

If you dream of jamming your hands, but do not feel any pain, this dream is a very good sign, which indicates success in a new endeavor or a new project.

Dreams of a burning sensation:

If you feel burned by a fire in a dream, this dream may not be a good sign and may indicate some bad news in the near future.

Dreams of being able to shoot:

If you dream of being able to shoot with your own hands, this dream is a sign of the anger you are trying to suppress. You may be overreacting and can not accurately express yourself.

Dreams of being able to control the fire:

If you dream of being able to control a fire, this dream is a very good sign that indicates your ability to control your nerves and anger.

Dream of water and fire:

If you dream of fire and water, this dream may be a sign of conflicting emotions pulling you in different directions.

Dream that you are surrounded by fire with someone else beside you:

If you dream of fire spreading around you and someone else, this dream is a sign of a strong bond between you and that person.

Dream of your house on fire:

If you dream that your home has caught fire, this dream is a sign that you need to make some changes in your life.

Dreaming to carry the fire in the hands:

If you dream of carrying a fire in your hands, such as carrying a candle or a torch, this dream is a good sign and may indicate a career upgrade soon or a good career change.


Dream vision is the product of our imagination, and includes all the actions taken from our sleep, emotionally, psychologically and mentally. Occurs at any time in different ways. If you are confused about your dreams than read each previous translation.

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