Dream Meaning #1: Pay attention to something you’ve been ignoring
Dreaming of being bitten by this wild reptile can be interpreted as a painful reminder that you need to pay attention to a situation or relationship that has been challenging or difficult to deal with in your waking life. A snake biting you in a dream symbolizes your own guidance system or unconscious trying to get your attention through a wake up call. sometime we igonre a lot of things in our life which are important so dreams go through those aspects of life and remind us about them ..
You’re becoming more aware about an issue or aspect of yourself that you’ve been ignoring. The snake bite has the effect of prompting a reaction on your part, whether it’s pain, surprise or fear. Often, the dreamer will wake up right after the snake bites her in the dream. The attack from the serpent can therefore point to the need to wake yourself up, in your life too, from a situation where you have been compromising too much. and its the positive sign if you would focouse on your issues which you had denied for so long.
A dream of a snake bite reminds you that you need to resolve or come to terms with a situation or behavior that is paralyzing your ability to make a decision or move forward. and after this kind of dreams individuals are more carefull about their work. Getting bitten by this wild creature is an invitation to examine what is currently “poisonous” in your life and to remedy it.
Dream Meaning #2: Meaning of the body part that is bitten by the snake
The dream interpretation will vary depending on what part of the body is being bitten. Consider the meaning you give to the part and how it related to what is challenged or needs to change in your waking life.
For instance, a snake bite to the right hand means that you are conflicted about taking action or making the right choice in your life; it could suggest that you are preoccupied with acting in fairness or maintaining a healthy transparency in a relationship whether it is intimate or related to work.
Being bitten by a snake in the back could indicate that you need to pay attention to ill words or deceitful actions of people around you; it could also mean that you need to resolve issues from the past or concerns that you have been carrying with you for a long time.
Dream Meaning #3: You’re holding back your wild, untamed side
When you dream of a snake biting you, the animal may reflect conflictual urges or desires you have in waking life and that are hard to grasp or control. Dreaming of a snake brings to your attention, through the image of this animal, to a part of you that you or possibly others consider as “wild”, untamed, perhaps even “out of control”.
Dream Meaning #4: Transformation is painfully taking place in your life
The serpent is delivering the antidote to numbing yourself and avoiding what needs to be done to get to the next step in your life. The snake bite may point to a shift occurring in your awareness, a transformation: You are on the verge of becoming more aware about a matter that was previously hidden or avoided… and take a great decision in your life . thats how trasformation is painfully taking place in your life.
This radical shift may be experienced in a painful manner at first, but will be beneficial in the long run. This wake up call is part of your growth process.
Dream Meaning #5: Struggle with temptation
Dreaming of a snake biting you may represent the archetypal presence of temptation in your life. Just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden in the judeo-christian tradition, the animal in your dream could connect to a “temptation”, desire or situation you feel conflicted about because of it does not fit in your usual beliefs or ethical values.
The snake bite is a wake up call to face whatever is causing tension, perhaps even challenge some of your core beliefs or values and get a fresh perspective.